Staff & Personnel In Animal Production Technology

Staff & Personnel In Animal Production Technology
Department Overview

Olufayo, Omobola Olusola

Lecturer I

BAgric, MSc (Animal Science)


Lecturer I|BAgric, MSc (Animal Science)




Animal Production Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Animal Nutrition (Monogastric and Ruminant)

Teaching Areas

Introduction to Agriculture, Principles of Animal Production, Pasture and Forage Production

Selected Publications

Falola, O.Oand Olufayo, O.O (2017):  In Vitro Production Assessment of Panicummaximum Incubated with Leucaenaleucocephala at Varying Proportion to Predict the Nutritional Value for Ruminants. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production Vol 44(3): Pg 371-377.

Falola, O.O andOlufayo, O.O (2017):  Rumen Characteristics and Blood Parameters of West African Dwarf Goats Fed Vetiver Grass ( Chrysopogonzizanoides. L. Roberty) Ensiled with Cassava Peels at Different Ratio. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production Vol 44(3): Pg 366-370.

Olufayo, O.O and Falola, O.O (2017):  Nutritional Contents of Processed Delonixregia Seeds Incubated In Vitro with Pennisetum purpureum. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production Vol 44(4).

Conferences Attended

Olufayo, O.O. (2017):Nutritive Value and Forage Acceptability of Some Selected Browse Plants by West African Dwarf Goats.  4th National Conference of School of Pure and Applied Sciences and Communication & Information Technology, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, 4th-7th December,2017.

Olufayo, O.O., and Falola, O.O (2017): Effects of Processing on Nutritional Contents of Delonixregia Seeds Incubated In-Vitro with Pennisetum purpureum.  6th ASAN-NIAS Joint Annual Meeting , Animal Science Association of Nigeria and Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, NAF Conference Centre, Abuja, 10th-14th September 2017.

Falola, O.O., Adisa, A.F.,Olufayo, O.O., and Adekanbi, A.A.(2017):Effects of Processing on the Nutritional Contents of Enterolobiumcyclocapium Seeds. 42nd Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, 26th -30th March 2017.

Jinadu, K.B., Akingbade, A.O., Olona, J.F., Olupona, J.A., Agboola, T.B. andOlufayo, O.O. (2016):  Rumen Fermentation Parameters and Microbial Profile of West African Dwarf Sheep fed Diets Containing Supplemental Tetrapleuratetraptera(Aridan) Fruit Meal.21st Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria and Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, University of Port-Harcourt, 18th-22nd September 2016.

Falola, O.O., andOlufayo, O.O. (2016):Growth and Haematology of Finisher Broilers fed Varying Levels of Leucaenaleococephala Leaf Meal. 21st Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria and Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, University of Port-Harcourt , 18th-22nd September 2016.

Falola, O.O., andOlufayo, O.O. (2016):  Nutritional Evaluation of Some Browse Plants Incubated with Panicum maximum In-vitro Gas Production Technique. 21st Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria and Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, University of Port- Harcourt, 18th-22nd September 2016.

Falola, O.O.andOlufayo, O.O. (2016):Haematological Response of West African Dwarf Goats Fed Corncobs Ensiled with Cassava Peels. 41st Annual Conference of Nigerian Society For Animal Production, Federal University Of Agriculture Abeokuta, 20th -24th March 2016.

Falola, O.O.,Olufayo, O.O., Adisa, A.F., Adedeji, O.Y., and Saka, A.A (2015):Intake and Weight Gain of West African Dwarf Goats fed Corncobs Ensiled with Cassava Peel20th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria and Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, 6th-10th September 2015.

Adedeji, O.Y.,Saka, A.A., Falola, O.O.,Olufayo, O.O., Adekanbi, A.O., Adetoro, B.O.,and Adisa, A.F(2015): Haematological and Serum Biochemical Indices of West African Dwarf Goats Fed  Diet Containing Varying Levels of Centro (Centrosemapubescens) Seed Meal.  20th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria and Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, 6th-10th September 2015

Summary of Profile

Mrs OLUFAYO, Omobola Olusola is the pioneer Head of Department, Agricultural Technology Department, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. She had her first and second degree from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and University of Ibadan respectively.

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